Everyone can see four differences in the puzzles – but you have a high IQ and 20/20 vision if you spot the fifth

HIDDEN in this jungle imagery there are five differences you need to spot.

This compare-and-contrast illusion is sure to have you racking your brain to spot the small changes.


There are five differences in this compare-and-contract brainteaserCredit: Chez Pierre
Only 1 in 10 people are able to find the fifth difference between these images


Only 1 in 10 people are able to find the fifth difference between these imagesCredit: Chez Pierre

Amongst green leaves and colorful flowers, there are prism-like perfume bottles in this image created by dupe designer perfume company Chez Pierre.

It takes the average person 32 seconds to find 4 differences, according to the creators.

If you can find all five, you can say that you have a high IQ and 20/20 vision.

Take it one picture at a time. Do your best to observe everything before you move on to the next image.

Be sure to take your time looking at the greenery and rainbow plants.

If you need a hint, know that the perfume bottles tucked into the forest won’t be the only changes to look out for.

Once you feel that you have a good grasp on the first image, scroll down to the second.

It might be hard to notice, but there are five differences in this new image.

If you don’t see them right away, try to focus on one area and look back and forth between the two pictures.

Don’t worry if you’re having a hard time spotting them all. Only 1 in 10 people can find the fifth difference.

Everyone can see the festivalgoers – but you have 20-20 vision if you spot the five tickets in less than 19 seconds

If you need another hint, steer your eyes to the right side of the image. You won’t find any differences on the left side.

For those still struggling, scroll to the bottom to find where all the differences are hiding.

If you want to have a go at another few brainteasers to test yourself, keep scrolling.


Do your best to find the hidden fruits in this farmers market image.

There are five fruits that you have to spot in just 62 seconds.

This mind-boggling image was created by the team at HAYPP.

Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions

Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.

  • They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
  • By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
  • Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
  • Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
  • Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.

There are a multitude of other things to look at while people are shopping at the stalls.

Try to focus on finding the fruit. If you need a hint, take a look at the flower cart.


For this last brainteaser, try to find the broom hiding among the pile of clothes.

This spring cleaning challenge was created by the team at Hammonds Fitted Furniture.

The fitted furniture experts said one in three players give up trying to find the broom.

It is especially hard because of the bright colors and patterns in the image.

Set yourself a six-second timer and, if you need a hint, focus on the left side of the image.

Were you able to spot all five differences?


Were you able to spot all five differences?Credit: Chez Pierre
Can you spot the five fruits in under 62 seconds?


Can you spot the five fruits in under 62 seconds?Credit: HAYPP
The hidden fruits have been circled in red


The hidden fruits have been circled in redCredit: HAYPP
Can you find the broom in this image?


Can you find the broom in this image?Credit: Hammonds
The orange and green broom has been circled above


The orange and green broom has been circled aboveCredit: Hammonds

Credit Gist New Today News in Newspaper Nigeria Headlines

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