Everyone sees the sea of trees – but you’ve got a high IQ & 20/20 vision if you can find the hidden number in 5 seconds

THERE is a sneaky number hidden in this green illusion.

This tricky image with a light and dark green pattern has people struggling to find the number.


Are you able to find the hidden number in this green image?Credit: RAINBOW RICHES

The color illusion, created by Rainbow Riches Casino, makes it very challenging to see anything but trees in this design.

Set up a timer for five seconds and give it a go.

You can also grab a friend and see who can spot the number faster.

Keep your eyes peeled and try to squint — it’s not going to be easy to find.

If you need some hints to find this mysterious number, let’s look to pop culture movies.

In Back to The Future, Marty McFly travelled back in time this many years.

Any thoughts on what it could be? If you know the answer, try to find it concealed in green.

If you need another hint, there is a popular movie about an adult woman going back in time to a younger age.

One of her ages in the film is the sneaky number.

Does the movie come to mind? It’s going to be double digits.

Everyone sees the sea of dogs – but you’ve got 20/20 vision and high IQ if you can pick out the corgi in 10 seconds

If you are struggling to find the answer, don’t worry you’re not alone.

The brainteaser was tested out on a sample group, and only 40% were able to spot the number.

If you were able to find it, you likely have 20/20 vision and a high IQ.

Look below for the answer highlighted in red.

For those who enjoyed this illusion, here are a few more to try.

Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions

Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.

  • They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
  • By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
  • Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
  • Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
  • Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.

Hidden in the potted plants is a cat that you have to find.

A family-owned and operated hardware store in downtown Charleston shared the photo that came with a sneaky little challenge.

Can you spot a little cat among the spring flowers?


Can you spot a little cat among the spring flowers?Credit: East Bay Hardware

“We’re in full bloom at @eastbayhardware and Max the jungle cat is ready for spring planting! Can you find him?” the hardware store posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Be sure to check between all the plants, even those under the table.

The answer is below for those who have called it quits.

In another brainteaser, try to find the five speakers in five seconds.

Can you find the five speakers?


Can you find the five speakers?Credit: Creekside Media

This puzzle from Top10Casinos shows a festival with carousels, food vendors, and picnic tables.

However, it’s your job to spot the music speakers hidden amongst all the fun.

The speakers have a muted color that makes them hard to find in the image.

If you’ve given up, the answer is waiting for you below.

It was the number 30 in the center of the image


It was the number 30 in the center of the imageCredit: RAINBOW RICHES
There he is!


There he is!Credit: East Bay Hardware
The speakers are highlighted for you


The speakers are highlighted for youCredit: Creekside Media

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