Plateau gov signs executive order on illegal buildings, traffic

Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau State, on Tuesday, signed an Executive Order to control illegal buildings and vehicular traffic in the state

The General Manager of the Jos Metropolitan Development Board, Hart Bankat, disclosed this at a press conference in Jos on Tuesday.

Bankat said the Executive Order No. 003, 2024 became imperative considering the indiscriminate manner in which buildings were being erected in the state.

The state government had on Monday  shut down some illegal structures in Jos, the state capital.

The owners of the structures were said to have built on government land without the requisite approval from the regulatory authorities.

During the clampdown ,the state’s task force also  arrested 17 persons at a construction site located at the Old Legislative Quarters along the Bauchi Ring Road in Jos.

Speaking on the executive order, Bankat said, “The growing population in Plateau State has led to an increase in vehicular traffic and the haphazard construction of buildings, which has resulted in congestion and safety hazards in our cities. In order to address these challenges and ensure the sustainable development of our state, Governor Caleb, Mutfwang has issued Executive Order No. 003, 2024.

“This executive order aims to regulate the construction of buildings and the flow of vehicular traffic in Plateau State. Under this order, all new building projects must obtain the necessary permits and comply with building codes and regulations. Unauthorised constructions will be demolished in accordance with the law.”

Bankat said the executive order also aimed to streamline vehicular traffic by implementing traffic management measures, “such as designated parking spaces, traffic lights, and road signage. Violators of traffic rules will face strict penalties, including fines and vehicle impoundment.”

“We believe that by enforcing this executive order, we can improve the quality of life for all residents of Plateau State and create a safe and organised urban environment”

The General Manager urged all residents to cooperate with the authorities and adhere to the provisions of Executive Order No. 003, 2024.

Credit Gist New Today News in Newspaper Nigeria Headlines

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