Man d!es after his wife forced him to undergo a surgery in India to stop him from snoring

I’m a doctor the statement made by the actor is ignorant. Yes nobody should convince you to do any procedure even a doctor. The ultimate decision is you. The only time when your decision comes second is when public interest is at risk or you are for whatever reason not legally able to. So yes the first line may be credible. However snoring in the most part is a medical condition that can kill. Especially the obstructive kind. Many people have died in their sleep with their loved ones thinking its natural death or sudden death syndrome caused by a heart attack. Because your muscle rest when you sleep an obstruction would make you react as you would when asleep. That’s why it’s easy to suffocate people who are in a sleep state with drugs etc. While not all snoring conditions are obstructive which is caused by vibrations during a block of the airways, the other most common type of snoring is caused by the tonsils dancing as air passes through. So you may not be obstructed but still vibrate. Either way they are both medical conditions. The obstructive one is however potentially fatal. On surgery, yes there are surgeries to correct this medical condition that people globally do everyday. From laser shrinkage to sinus infection treatments and surgery if obstructive. It is not common for someone to die from the surgery here as it is considered elective, but as with every surgery that puts an individual under aneasthesia there are risks of not being able to revive the person. Just like what happened to Micheal Jackson. Once you go under general aneasthesia you should all things being equal be revived after your session but sometimes complications may occur. Remember any surgery involves lots of blood loss. It is my feeling that something unexpected occurred and sadly the anesthetic could not revive him. However this can happen in any surgery. The former wife of a president we had who went to a very elite hospital with no real prior medical condition to undergo a procedure that just involves using a suction to extract fat and tissues from the body that is one of the most common procedures till date, that some patients undergo in less than 30 minutes and return home after a few hours, she went in and never came out. So it may not be the procedure itself. Its just a risk in itself undergoing any procedure and that’s why you sign the forms. On the other hand there can be perforation into the sinus but death would not occur on the bed but as a post op infection weeks after the procedure. We can’t tell exactly what he died of. That said there are other methods to ease snoring. Such as using breathing support machines that work very well. Or even merely getting your sinus cleaned professionally. Have two, three or four opinion from unbiased doctors (not the one doing the procedure and will be paid for it), before you undergo any surgery especially elective ones that life continuance does not depend on it.

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