If you are fine with your husband duping people, you should be fine with him cheating on you – Nigerian man tells women married to fraudsters

Na lie Awuzie Franklin, your analogy does not hold water, hence it is baseless. A fraudster does not necessarily cheat. Cheating is inherited or natural. So what about politicians, bank executives, those in public and private sectors, the religious pastors who constantly defraud people and citizens, to the knowledge of their wives, so it means they are licensed to cheat on their wives or their wives do not know they are frauds in their respective fields of endeavor? Also, what about wives that cheat on their husbands who are not “YAHOO BOYS”? You think that YAHOO BUSINESS is the worst kind of fraud that attracts greater punishment than fraud by politicians, bank executives, those in public and private sectors, the religious pastors and others. So the rich men who got their monies genuinely do not cheat and if they do, their wives should appreciate it. You are just a swine. Yahoo business is not the worst type of fraud. All fraud are the same and should be condemned. Do not glorify certain frauds and condemn others, or relate it to cheating.

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“A fraudster doesn’t necessarily cheat”. “Cheating is inherited or natural”. This doesn’t make sense. Cheating is not inherited. That one’s parent is a cheat doesn’t mean one will become a cheat. Except if one decides to. It’s an irresponsible person that holds such notion because he or she wants to absolve himself of any blame when caught. And on the write up,what he is basically saying is that eople who have no qualms swindling other people will have no issues doing it to their loved ones. A habit is a habit. It doesn’t switch off at will. It’s not so hard to comprehend. And there’s no need to get so emotional. Are you a fraudster?

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Since you’re intellectually impaired, let me dumb it down for you. He is simply saying that if someone lacks integrity in one area of their life, then you can be sure that other areas of their lives will also be included. So yes, all those people you listed above too also lack integrity.
He is not saying being a fraudster gives you license to cheat, he is simply saying if your spouse is dubious in an aspect of his life, then don’t be shocked if he is dubious in others. Does it make sense now?
To think that we all had to learn comprehension skills in elementary school English classes ????‍????

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