Everyone sees the helicopters – but you’ve got a high IQ and 20/20 vision if you can spy the gift in under 51 seconds

IF YOU can spot the gift in this photo then you may have the gift of 20/20 vision.

Hidden among tents, theater tickets, helicopters, wine glasses, and more is a single present. 


Can you find the single present hidden in this photo? Time yourself as you try to beat the record of 51 secondsCredit: Buyagift

This brain teaser, courtesy of Buyagift, looks overwhelming at first.

Only a few people have been able to beat the record of 51 seconds, according to the company. 

Finding the present in under a minute may seem impossible, but in just a few simple steps you can beat the record.

Make sure to set a timer before you begin searching, so you can have proof that you found the present in record time.

There’s plenty of ways to approach a brainteaser as tricky as this one, so it’s worth taking a second to figure out which way works best for you. 

You can start by focusing on one object in the middle, such as the wine bottle and glasses, then scan the items row by row.

Another method to find the present is to read the image like it’s a book.

Start by looking at the top left corner and then slowly look left to right. 

Still can’t find it?

Here’s a hint: the present may be camping out somewhere. 

When you feel confident you’ve found the mysterious present, scroll down to see if you’re correct.

To find the present, first look at the left side of the image.

Continue looking down until you get to the middle of the image.

Underneath the helicopter you’ll find a glamping setup with a tent and some fairy lights.

Inside the set up, you’ll find the present sitting right in the middle.

To its right is tea and pastries and to the left is a wine bottle with some cutlery. Everything you need to survive a night of camping.

Send this brainteaser to friends and family to see if they’ll be stumped, too.

Did you find the present hidden inside the tent? Try out other brain teasers to see if you can beat your record


Did you find the present hidden inside the tent? Try out other brain teasers to see if you can beat your recordCredit: Buyagift


Was that one too easy for you?

Here’s a harder one for you to try.

Do you think you can find the polar bear hiding in the snowy landscape?


Do you think you can find the polar bear hiding in the snowy landscape?Credit: Jagran Josh

Hidden inside the massive snow covered landscape is a polar bear.

It takes a special eye to find the white polar bear among the waterfall and tons of snow.

Looking at the picture, your eye is immediately drawn to the center near the waterfall.

However, keep an eye out because a polar bear is lurking on the peripheral.

Think you found the sneaky polar bear?

Standing on the right side of the waterfall is the polar bear.

The bear nearly completely camouflages with the rest of its surroundings. 

If you couldn’t find the present in record time, don’t give up. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

Were you able to find the sneaky polar bear?


Were you able to find the sneaky polar bear?Credit: Jagran Josh

Credit Gist New Today News in Newspaper Nigeria Headlines

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