Everyone can spot sea shells in the beach scene but you have 20/20 vision if you see a hidden crab in under 30 seconds

PUT your vision skills to the test with this mind-boggling brain teaser that might make you a bit crabby if you struggle to solve it.

If you are an animal lover and a puzzle fiend, this is the perfect challenge for you.


How long does it take you to find the crab in this puzzle?Credit: Betway Casino

The team at Betway Casino is challenging you to find the crab among the shells in this image.

Can you spot the marine creature in just 30 seconds?

If so, you may have 20-20 vision and could even be a natural fisherman.

With summer well and truly on its way, everyone is looking forward to hitting the beach.

But, you must be careful as among the shells there could be some friends with very sharp claws.

In this image, there are lots of different-shaped shells of various colors.

However, the patterns and colors repeat themselves, making it tricky to spot the crab.

If you need some help, have a go at dividing the image into smaller sections of equal sizes.

This minimizes the search area which makes it more likely that you will find what you are looking for.

Carefully search each section before moving on to the next.

Everyone can see the cars – but you are in the top 1% if you can spot the odd one out in six seconds

Repeat this process until the whole image has been examined.

Have you found the cheeky crab yet?

If you need a clue, keep your eyes focused on the bottom-left corner of the image.

When you think you’ve found it, scroll down to reveal where the crab has been hiding.

It’s been watching you the entire time.

Did you find the crab in just 30 seconds?


Did you find the crab in just 30 seconds?Credit: Betway Casino

Now that your juices are flowing, why not have a go at another puzzle?

Can you find the six hazards in this workshop scene?

Can you find all of the hazards in just 30 seconds?


Can you find all of the hazards in just 30 seconds?Credit: https://tradefixdirect.com/

Just as it is important to look out for unwelcome marine life when setting down your things at the beach, it is key when in a workshop to look out for things that could harm you.

Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions

Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.

  • They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
  • By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
  • Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
  • Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
  • Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.

This crowded room has numerous safety hazards – you have 30 seconds to spot them all.

Make sure you think about exits, wires, liquids, and unattended equipment.

When you think you have found them all, scroll down to find out if you missed any.

The six items hidden in the scene include a blocked exit sign and a toolbox about to tip over


The six items hidden in the scene include a blocked exit sign and a toolbox about to tip overCredit: https://tradefixdirect.com/

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