Everyone can see man and woman’s faces – but you have a high IQ and 20/20 vision if you can see three other people

THIS mind-bending illusion looks like a painting of a couple but there are actually five people hidden in the image.

What you see first in this illusion can reveal what kind of thinker you are – are you detail-oriented or do you tend to focus on the bigger picture?


Do you see an elderly couple or the musician and his audience first?Credit: Minds Journal

The image shared by The Minds Journal shows five faces, and which ones you see first will say a lot about you.


If you noticed the elderly couple first, you tend to focus on the grand scheme of things.

You don’t get mired in nonessential details and are naturally able to take a bird’s eye point of view of things.

This perspective makes you a great strategist and a natural-born leader.

You would be successful in managerial roles, as you are goal-oriented and have excellent planning skills.

You are also likely to be comfortable delegating and not feel the need to micromanage.

All of these innate traits will make you the ideal boss.


If instead of the couple you spotted the three smaller people first, your attention to detail is unparalleled.

Hidden within the two faces of the elderly couple is one person playing a guitar and another sitting beside him holding their hat.

A third woman watches the musician from a doorway in the background behind the guitar player.

If those aspects of the image are what you noticed first, you are very observant and capable of paying close attention to others and your surroundings.

You notice nuances others may miss and not even the most minute detail gets past you.

You prefer thoroughly knowing things in-depth, rather than superficially.

You are also great at meticulously planning things out so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Benefits of brainteasers and optical illusions

Researchers have developed many tests to show how various brain regions react to brainteasers and optical illusions. There are many benefits.

  • They are not only entertaining, but they also shed light on how our brains interpret visual data.
  • By giving your brain a little workout regularly, you enhance your ability to focus and observe details.
  • Studies have shown people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration, and attention.
  • Improved concentration and attention span can help prevent cognitive decline in old age.
  • Optical illusions can improve eyesight by allowing you to see small print.

Meanwhile, if you enjoyed the insights from this illusion and want to reveal more while testing your skills, see if you spot the hummingbird or lynx first in a different photo.

You can also test yourself by seeing if you can spot the snow leopard, also known as a ghost cat, hidden on this mountain.

Or try to find the eight bunnies hidden in this illustration that animal lovers will enjoy in less than 13 seconds.

Next test your IQ by finding the two identical cars in this picture.

Most people take 10 seconds to find them, but if you can do it in half that time you are on another level.

Lastly, for additional fun see if you can find the bunny hidden in this image of a bird below.

If you need help finding it, the solution is at the bottom, below the initial puzzle.

See if you can spot a rabbit hidden inside the hawk


See if you can spot a rabbit hidden inside the hawkCredit: American Puzzle Cards
Are you able to point out the cleverly hidden bunny?


Are you able to point out the cleverly hidden bunny?Credit: American Puzzle Cards

Credit Gist New Today News in Newspaper Nigeria Headlines

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